This week we'll be profiling Nurse Practitioners (NPs), a group of seriously dedicated & knowledgeable professionals who help millions of Americans each year get & stay healthy. As this week (November 8 - 14, 2015) is Nurse Practitioner Week in the US, we here at Enky thought we should join the chorus of voices celebrating & honoring this fast-growing & increasingly beneficial profession. NPs are a type of Advanced Practice Registered Nurse (APRN) that have trained through graduate education & national as well as state certification to be able to perform nearly all the duties that physicians can. NPs can prescribe medication in all 50 states & Washington DC, as well as being able to treat patients for a wide variety of maladies. Nurse Practitioners can specialize in many directions as well, including psychiatric, women's health, pediatric, & emergency care.
Nurse Practitioners have existed in the US for 50 years now & the national profile of these professionals has never been higher. As we move into the 21st Century & healthcare becomes more advanced & increasingly less affordable to a multitude of American citizens, Nurse Practitioners can be bulwark against the loss of good healthcare coverage for these people. Unfortunately, many states have antiquated laws & regulations handcuffing NPs from performing in their jobs to the fullest extent of their significant abilities. These professionals, who are extremely well trained & very dedicated to their patients, need to be able to perform the full scope of activities that a similarly trained physician can. A change in regulations to this effect would help reduce costs & increase positive health outcomes for a substantial group of under-served patients. If you are interested in advocating for these patient & NP rights, the AANP has a list of campaigns to support. To learn more about NPs in general & how you can enter this rewarding profession, take a look at our infographic below & keep tuning in to our social media pages all week for more great info!
Friday, November 6, 2015
Happy holidays everyone! During this Christmas week we are all thinking about spending time with family in festively decorated homes. Some o...
We hope you had a happy New Year & are ready to join us for an exciting & productive 2016! After last week's 2015 Year in Revi...
In light of National Bone & Joint Action Week (October 12 - 20), we're taking a look at the Chiropractic profession, an occupation t...
This week we're looking at a growing healthcare profession that affects nearly all Americans today: Pharmacy. Pharmacists work through...
Breathing is something the vast majority of us take for granted, as we do it nearly every second of every day. However, there are many Ame...
Today, we're profiling Speech-Language Pathology as our Profession of the Week. Speech pathologists are hard-working, well-educated prof...
2015 has been a year of ups & downs for most of the world, but now it is nearing an end. As we approach December 31, and consequently ...
As we rapidly approach the holiday season, millions of American households are being covered with all manner of lights & festive elect...
Thanks for coming on back to the Enky Inc. blog! To recognize National Massage Therapy Awareness Week, we're focusing on Massage Therapy...
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